Tucson Personal Trainer
Your Vision*

The Tucson Personal Trainer believes vision is the strength that allows you to borrow from the future and believe in the invisible. Your vision is not created by holding on to the past. It comes from where you are, and most of all, where you are going.*

Being a visionary refers to being able to see into the future, with a belief and a sense of knowing what will occur. Vision is an anchor for many people in regards to achieving a dynamic body.*

Having a vision is much clearer than having a dream. A strong vision is where clarity is created in a desired objective. When believed from a sense of certainty, the vision is emotionalized in colors, objects, lifestyles and feelings.*

According to the Tucson Personal Trainer, clarity means being able to imagine how the accomplishment of a goal will feel, look, hear, taste and smell to you. It’s a strength that you start to develop when you have a plan of action, or become motivated enough to believe and act on your plan consistently over time to achieve your vision.*

Vision is not only strength, but also an anchor. In times of challenge, your vision can be used as an anchor or safe haven to visit and to remind yourself you are on the right path. When vision gets in your heart, you are able to really believe and borrow from the invisible.*

If you are being consistent with your goal setting, your vision becomes infinitely stronger. You must know where you are headed and what you desire to achieve. Take the vision of the physique you desire, set realistic goals with deadlines and become a goal achiever! Your vision will carry you through the tough times. Hey, if it was easy everybody would be successful.*

To Your Massive Success!
Mark Saunders
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