*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
Individualized weight loss program:*
I was just a few weeks away from a major bodybuilding competition when my wife at the time walked into the kitchen and caught me with a partially eaten sugar cookie in my mouth. See if you can visualize this; She opened the pantry door as I just placed the cookie in my mouth. The picture below shows the facial expression I had in the moment. She held out her hand and I spit out the uneaten bite of the sugar cookie into her palm of her hand.
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
We both laughed because it was a pretty silly scene. Here is this 200 pound male bodybuilder with 7% body fat, sneaking cookies in the pantry. I knew I shouldn't have but I wanted it sooooo bad. It was a funny scene. I tell it to you because as a veteran personal trainer, I realize how tough sticking to a diet or a life style change can be and by following my simple system you will start moving seamlessly towards your goals instantly from the initial consultation and here is why.
I will make sense of diet and exercise for you.
In the end of my story about me sneaking sugar cookie, I was happy she caught me because she helped keep me from eating those cookies and sabotaging my success in my up and coming major bodybuilding competition. Imagine this, I had the pressure of competing with the top drug free bodybuilders in the world and I still wanted the those sugar cookies. Her being there for me was her helping me by holding me accountable to my own self imposed standards.
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
Accountability though, I realize, can be easy to rationalize away. Not accountability to a spouse, partner or friend. They’ll stop nagging you because they don’t want to damage the relationship.*
The secret is accountability to a professional. A mentor and guide…someone who is committed to your commitment and impervious to your excuses.*
Individualized weight loss program:*
I tell you my battle with wanting to eat that sugar cookie more than I wanted to be me my best on a global bodybuilding stage because I understand how difficult dieting might be for you. Virtually everybody I work with (including myself) struggles from time to time with their diet and following through on their exercise program.
However, if you are serious about achieving the body and health you want you must be consistent in following the basic principles of diet and exercise and I can help you make sense of it all during our initial complimentary consultation.
The initial complimentary phone consultation is where we get to meet each other, go over your goals, find out what may be standing in your way or slowing you down and make a game plan for your success.*
Whether you follow the basic principles of diet and exercise on your own or with a coach, you must get it done and it is my experience that almost everyone can benefit from having a coach/trainer to encourage you, motivate you, coach you and hold you accountable to your own self imposed standards.*
That is why I am offering you this special offer for your individualized weight loss program.* If you would like to get crystal clear on the body you want and start moving freely towards your goals, please fill out the form below so we can schedule your "Get Crystal Clear On The Body You Want" Complimentary Consultation Phone Consultation.*
I have a step by step very easy process for you to start moving seamlessly towards your goals immediately during our consultation and it starts with you taking action and filling out the form so I can call you and schedule your consultation as soon as possible.
You must act with certainty. I love the analogy of the saying "run like a deer from the hunter". That is the type of urgency you must have now to make the biggest impact in your life. We are not promised tomorrow.
We do not see the impact of our short term bad habits now. It is happening, but we do not see it immediately. It is the compounded effect of years of bad habits and we must break your habits now. If you do not fill out the form in this moment, you may fall victim of the law of diminishing intent.
This is where over time your intent diminishes. Before you know it New Years will be here again and you let another year get away from you.
Run like a deer from the hunter!
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
Fill out the form right now with urgency and let me help you to start moving seamlessly towards your goal immediately.
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
Mark Saunders
MPTS Master Physique Transformation Specialist*
P.S. During this powerful, one-on-one coaching, we'll work together to...
=> Create a crystal clear vision for the ideal life you'll be living in your new, slim, sexy, & confident body.*
=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts and keeping you fat.*
=> You will leave the session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally lose all of the weight you want - once and for all.*
So Claim Your "Get Crystal Clear on the Body You Want" Coaching Session right now. Please fill out the form below and I am will be looking forward to connecting with you.*
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