*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors. online personal trainer
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
Online personal trainer:
Welcome to my page and taking the time to see how we can connect to improve your health and fitness (and or lose weight) by using me as your online personal fitness trainer. This is going to be the coaching, motivation and accountability you need to get you on the way to your goals now!*
My name is Mark Saunders and I am here to get you moving seamlessly in the direction of your goals. Whether it is to be healthier, more fit, lose weight or whatever your goals are with your body. Please fill out the form below and I will contact you as soon as possible to schedule your complimentary consultation.*
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
Online personal trainer:
That is Valerie on the left and Jake on the right. When I am not hanging out with them and dancing with my beautiful girlfriend Jan below, I am focused on whatever I can do to help someone like you get achieve the body you deserve.*
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
My job is to fully understand your goals, give you a strategy to reach them, hold you accountable, motivate and coach you along the way.*
I have been into health and fitness since 1982 when I was 14 years old, I have assisted thousands of people lose weight and get fit and I can assist you too! Take a look below at Dave who lost 20 pounds and feeling good!*
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
Our initial consultation is so we can meet each other, go over your goals, assess your current diet and exercise program (if you have one) and make a game plan for your success.*
The "game plan" will be when I show you how you are going to reach your goals through what I call "The five elements for physical progress". During our consultation, I will show you how we will get you to your goals whether it is for health, fitness or weight loss.*
By the time we are though with our consultation, you will be clear on what it is going to take to reach your goals. You will see the value in using me as online personal trainer/coach. With a solid strategy, coaching, motivation and accountability you will be well on your way to your goals!*
This consultation alone will get you started on the way to your goals immediately!*
Take a look at Ashley who is doing great!*
*Disclaimer - Results may vary based on a variety of factors.
I will schedule our time together as soon as I can. I am looking forward to working with you and getting you to your goals!*
So please go ahead, scroll below, fill out this brief form and take that first step toward reaching your goals.*
Suggested links:
The Tucson Personal Trainer LLC - Home Page
Individualized Weight Loss Program
Social Media Connections:
Facebook - Mark's Personal FB Profile
Facebook - Mark's FB Weight Loss Group
I Love Being Fit Over 40 - Facebook
Community Page
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